Saturday, May 14, 2005

USPS: 2006 Proposed Express Mail Rate Increase

Express Mail
Weight (lbs.)Custom DesignedNext Day & Second Day Post Office to Post OfficeNext Day & Second Day Post Office to AddresseeWeight (lbs.)Custom DesignedNext Day & Second Day Post Office to Post OfficeNext Day & Second Day Post Office to Addressee
0.5$10.70 $10.40 $13.65 0.5$11.30 $10.95 $14.40
114.90 14.60 17.85 115.70 15.40 18.80
214.90 14.60 17.85 215.70 15.40 18.80
318.10 17.80 21.05 319.10 18.75 22.20
421.25 20.95 24.20 422.40 22.10 25.50
524.35 24.05 27.30 525.65 25.35 28.75
627.45 27.15 30.40 628.95 28.60 32.05
730.50 30.20 33.45 732.15 31.85 35.25
831.80 31.50 34.75 833.50 33.20 36.65
933.25 32.95 36.20 935.05 34.75 38.15
1034.55 34.25 37.50 1036.40 36.10 39.50
1136.25 35.95 39.20 1138.20 37.90 41.30
1238.90 38.60 41.85 1241.00 40.70 44.10
1340.80 40.50 43.75 1343.00 42.70 46.10
1441.85 41.55 44.80 1444.10 43.80 47.20
1543.15 42.85 46.10 1545.50 45.15 48.60
1644.70 44.40 47.65 1647.10 46.80 50.20
1746.20 45.90 49.15 1748.70 48.40 51.80
1847.60 47.30 50.55 1850.15 49.85 53.30
1949.05 48.75 52.00 1951.70 51.40 54.80
2050.50 50.20 53.45 2053.25 52.90 56.35
2151.95 51.65 54.90 2154.75 54.45 57.85
2253.40 53.10 56.35 2256.30 55.95 59.40
2354.90 54.60 57.85 2357.85 57.55 60.95
2456.30 56.00 59.25 2459.35 59.00 62.45
2557.70 57.40 60.65 2560.80 60.50 63.95
2659.20 58.90 62.15 2662.40 62.10 65.50
2760.60 60.30 63.55 2763.85 63.55 67.00
2862.10 61.80 65.05 2865.45 65.15 68.55
2963.55 63.25 66.50 2967.00 66.65 70.10
3065.00 64.70 67.95 3068.50 68.20 71.60
3166.45 66.15 69.40 3170.05 69.70 73.15
3267.95 67.65 70.90 3271.60 71.30 74.75
3369.30 69.00 72.25 3373.05 72.75 76.15
3470.85 70.55 73.80 3474.70 74.35 77.80
3572.20 71.90 75.15 3576.10 75.80 79.20
3673.75 73.45 76.70 3677.75 77.40 80.85
3775.40 75.10 78.35 3779.45 79.15 82.60
3877.20 76.90 80.15 3881.35 81.05 84.50
3978.95 78.65 81.90 3983.20 82.90 86.30
4080.75 80.45 83.70 4085.10 84.80 88.20
4182.55 82.25 85.50 4187.00 86.70 90.10
4284.40 84.10 87.35 4288.95 88.65 92.05
4386.10 85.80 89.05 4390.75 90.45 93.85
4487.85 87.55 90.80 4492.60 92.30 95.70
4589.45 89.15 92.40 4594.30 93.95 97.40
4690.80 90.50 93.75 4695.70 95.40 98.80
4792.45 92.15 95.40 4797.45 97.15 100.55
4893.90 93.60 96.85 4898.95 98.65 102.10
4995.30 95.00 98.25 49100.45 100.15 103.55
5096.80 96.50 99.75 50102.05 101.70 105.15
5198.40 98.10 101.35 51103.70 103.40 106.80
5299.80 99.50 102.75 52105.20 104.85 108.30
53101.35 101.05 104.30 53106.80 106.50 109.95
54102.80 102.50 105.75 54108.35 108.05 111.45
55104.30 104.00 107.25 55109.95 109.60 113.05
56105.85 105.55 108.80 56111.55 111.25 114.70
57107.30 107.00 110.25 57113.10 112.80 116.20
58108.85 108.55 111.80 58114.75 114.40 117.85
59110.45 110.15 113.40 59116.40 116.10 119.50
60112.20 111.90 115.15 60118.25 117.95 121.35
61114.10 113.80 117.05 61120.25 119.95 123.35
62115.85 115.55 118.80 62122.10 121.80 125.20
63117.55 117.25 120.50 63123.90 123.60 127.00
64119.50 119.20 122.45 64125.95 125.65 129.05
65121.20 120.90 124.15 65127.75 127.45 130.85
66123.10 122.80 126.05 66129.75 129.45 132.85
67124.80 124.50 127.75 67131.55 131.20 134.65
68126.70 126.40 129.65 68133.55 133.25 136.65
69128.45 128.15 131.40 69135.40 135.05 138.50
70130.25 129.95 133.20 70137.30 136.95 140.40
1. Same Day Airport service is currently suspended.1. Same Day Airport service is currently suspended.
2. The 1/2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a flat-rate envelope provided by the USPS, regardless of the actual weight of the piece.2. The 1/2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a flat-rate envelope provided by the USPS, regardless of the actual weight of the piece.

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