Monday, June 06, 2005

Snag at post office leaves mail piling up

Checks and bills sent to Southwest Florida winter residents are piling up in Fort Myers because of a snag at the post office.
See entire story here -->


DISPELLING THE MYTHS. USPS Public Affairs and Communications VP Azeezaly Jaffer is correcting the myths in a recent commentary by writer Sam Ryan. Among other claims, Ryan said the Postal Service has received $27 billion in federal appropriations since 1970.

Jaffer gave the correct information, that a 1971 law transferred mail delivery to the self-financing, independent Postal Service, with a “public service appropriation” to ease the transition. Jaffer explains the authority to request that appropriation still exists but USPS hasn’t asked for it — or needed it in 23 years. “Here's the fact, not the myth,” Jaffer says. “The Postal Service’s ability to be self sufficient since 1982 has not been a cost to the American taxpayer but a savings of $11 billion.” Read Jaffer’s full remarks at Setting the Record Straight.