Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rural carriers to get right-hand-drive vehicles

Rural carriers to get right-hand-drive vehicles

The USPS Board of Governors recently agreed to purchase 3,120 minivans to replace some of its right-hand-drive vehicles in urban areas. USPS has awarded a contract for the minivans to DaimlerChrysler Motors to supply the vehicles by Nov. 30, this year.

This is the second phase of a plan to provide additional postal-owned vehicles to rural carriers. In 2002, the Board approved the purchase of 6,240 minivans for city carriers, with the residual right-hand drive vehicles being transferred for rural carrier use.

The Postal Service has committed to sending 15,000 right-hand-drive vehicles — some of them already part of the urban fleet — to rural carriers by 2008.


HIGH SECURITY FOR HARRY POTTER BOOK. The New York Times reports that extensive security measures — jointly organized by the publisher, retailers, wholesale distributors and delivery companies — are in place to make sure no copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince go astray before 12:01 a.m. on July 16, the official time of release for the latest installment in the J. K. Rowling series. The article said that over the next 9 days, Amazon and other online retailers will turn over more than 1 million copies of the Potter book, most of which will be delivered by USPS on July 16.

Check in the Mail? Postal Service Ready to Tell You Where
