Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mail carrier injured when truck tumbles down cliff

Bedford (VA) Bulletin:

Mail carrier injured when truck tumbles down cliff

Mail carrier unharmed when tree hits truck

Columbia Missourian:

Mail carrier unharmed when tree hits truck


JULY FINANCIAL RESULTS. Revenues of $5.275 billion for July were in line with USPS forecasts, at 0.5% ($26 million) over plan and 3.1% ($170 million) less than July last year. Total mail volume was 1.4% less than July last year. Standard and Periodicals were greater than July 2004, while First-Class Mail and all other classes declined. Total mail volume is 4.5 billion pieces or 2.6% greater than the same period last year. First-Class Mail revenue is 1.3% below last year ($391 million) YTD. Standard Mail revenue is up 4.6% over last year ($684 million). Full results are posted at Financial & Operating Statements on